What is Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa yoga is a discipline that utilizes postures and breathing techniques. This form of yoga offers a range of health benefits to those who practice it, as it encompasses all areas of mind, body and spirit.
How It’s Different Derived from hatha yoga, Vinyasa yoga differs in some important ways from its predecessor. Vinyasa yoga is often faster paced, and the asanas (postures) are linked together in a series of movements that are synchronized with the breath. Much emphasis is placed on the breath and the transition in and out of the asanas. Generally speaking, upward movements correlate with inhalations of the breath, and downward movements with exhalations.
The continual movements, from one pose to another, gives you an added cardiovascular benefit, which more traditional forms of yoga do not have. The routine practice of vinyasa yoga can increase muscle strength, endurance and flexibility, and reduce levels of stress.
Vinyasa yoga offers much diversity. The pace can vary and there is no one particular sequence that instructors must follow. In fact, the name vinyasa is a Sanskrit word that translates as "variations within parameters." This flexibility allows the teacher to tailor the sequences to their own philosophy. So, if one approach doesn't work for you, try another, until you find one what you are comfortable with.
Call me now at 561 809-4624 to schedule your yoga session.
How It’s Different Derived from hatha yoga, Vinyasa yoga differs in some important ways from its predecessor. Vinyasa yoga is often faster paced, and the asanas (postures) are linked together in a series of movements that are synchronized with the breath. Much emphasis is placed on the breath and the transition in and out of the asanas. Generally speaking, upward movements correlate with inhalations of the breath, and downward movements with exhalations.
The continual movements, from one pose to another, gives you an added cardiovascular benefit, which more traditional forms of yoga do not have. The routine practice of vinyasa yoga can increase muscle strength, endurance and flexibility, and reduce levels of stress.
Vinyasa yoga offers much diversity. The pace can vary and there is no one particular sequence that instructors must follow. In fact, the name vinyasa is a Sanskrit word that translates as "variations within parameters." This flexibility allows the teacher to tailor the sequences to their own philosophy. So, if one approach doesn't work for you, try another, until you find one what you are comfortable with.
Call me now at 561 809-4624 to schedule your yoga session.