About Wendy

Wendy is originally from New York and grew up with a tremendous passion for spirituality and helping others. She has always tried to incorporate this into her life. After relocating to Florida in 1984 she started exercising and became aware of how important it was to keep fit with a healthy life style. It wasn't until her son Elijah’s health failed that with the grace of G-d she found Yoga.
The healing properties that yoga enhances is something that cannot be said…It can only be felt. For years, Wendy has stayed on the path of her yoga spiritual journey where she immersed herself into the practice and teaching of Yoga. It was a life changing experience and career move. Her love of yoga began in 2008 and has been a wonderful experience for which she is very grateful.
Wendy has intuitively followed her heart along this journey and always brings her intuition to her classes. She loves the intensity and the sensitivity of the practice. Wendy has studied with Leslie Glickman of Yoga Journey and participated in numerous workshops with other well known yoga teachers such as Seane Corn, Kathryn Budig and others. Though Wendy is a teacher, she is always a student focusing on continued learning so she can be the best she can be for her students. Wendy brings a sense of purity, sincerity and healing to her students with a pure heart.
Wendy is 200 hour certified (RYS) with Yoga Alliance as an experienced yoga teacher.
Call Wendy now at 561 809-4624 to schedule your yoga session.